
股票代碼 002937
Cultural Events 2021-07-26

Build a Happy Home with Love

In 1990, Mr. Zhang Zhongliang borrowed 20,000 yuan to start his business. In 1996, he found Ningbo Zhongxing Group (hereafter as "Zhongxing Precision") in Cixi, which is located on the east coast of China and is famous for its kindness and filial piety tradition. Under Mr. Zhang's leadership and in the efforts of all staff, Zhongxing Precision has grown into a proprietary company. Ningbo Sunrise is a subsidary of Zhongxing Precision.

Zhongxing Precision takes "Pursue the material and spiritual well-being of all staff and make contributions to the progress and development of mankind" as its mission.  With an entrepreneurial spirit, Zhongxing Precision has committed itself to developing a high efficient, sustainable and healthy operation system and becoming a model of happy corporate. On 24th July 2021, Zhongxing Precision held a Chinese Tradition Cultrure Forum, which  took "build a happy home with love" as the theme, in Cixi Hangzhou Bay Hotel.

On the forum, Chairman Zhang extended his gratitudes to the guests and adressed the mission and position of Zhongxing Precision Group in four aspects as "review the history","foresee the trend","accumulate the culture" and "cultivate one's mind". He pointed out the importance of the phylosophy " inspiring every member to be an entrepreneur" and "expanding business through enrichment of heart and soul".

Chairman Zhang credited the successful development of Zhongxing Precision Group in the last decade to the accumulation and practice of family culture of all staff.  Over the years, Zhongxing Precision Group comitted itself to " family culture, phylosophy, practical management and social responsibility", with a vision of "based on the teachings of the sages and phylosophy of Inamori Kazuo, with a core of Zhongxing Precision ideology and family culture, we will continute to innovate and develop and grow into a high-efficient and sustainable happy corporate".

" A prosperous culture leads to aprosperous country, and a strong culture leads to a strong country.  The world's foundation lies in the country, the country's foundation lies in the family , and the family's foundation lies in everyone.""Managing oneself to manage others. Every manager is the roll model of words and deeds. We should not only pursue the happiness of our own families, but also the happiess of the whole company. We should lay the business foundation of Zhongxing Precision by learning and practising the teachings of the sages and the phylosophy of Inamori Kazuo." said Chairman Zhang.

In the end, Chairman Zhang said,"Let us pursue the infinite possibility of life together by self-cultivation, family-relugating, corporate-managing and loving the motherland." The forum specially invited Professor Liu Yuli from the party school of the CPC central comittee and Doctor Nie Feilin. They addressed the audience on the traditional culture from their corresponding perspectives. Their speeches elicited a  strong response. 

The five-thousand years of traditional culture is the foundation of our self-cultication. Only with a solid foundation can our family, our corporate and our country be prosperous and our staff be harmonized with the society.

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